DIY - Trylledejsfigurer

DIY - Trylledejsfigurer

Påsken er lige om hjørnet med lækker mad, familiehygge og sjove fælles aktiviteter. Hjemme hos os elsker vi at lave påskepynt, især disse søde pås...
Reflections Journal: A Guided Journal

Reflections Journal: A Guided Journal

I wanted to create a guided journal for those of us who want to journal, but still need a little help to get started. The Reflections Journal offers a new prompt for every spread. 
How to Start Journaling

How to Start Journaling

Want to start journaling? Read about the three myths about journaling and get my tips for starting a journaling habit.

The Gratitude Journal

The Gratitude Journal

The Gratitude Journal. A space for you to reflect upon the things you are grateful for on a daily basis. 
Planning made fun

Planning made fun

I wanted to make writing more fun and so we created a series of stickers to light up your notes and plans!
Introducing - Robynn Storgaard x Kartotek Copenhagen

Introducing - Robynn Storgaard x Kartotek Copenhagen

I am so happy and proud to announce our colab with one of my favorite ceramicists Robynn Storgaard. Robynn has created a series of beautiful handmade pen holders to match our Cedar Wood Pencils. 
New cards - Put a smile on someone's face with a card

New cards - Put a smile on someone's face with a card

I want to be that person who always sends a card to celebrate the big things and the little things. Cards that cheer my friends up. Just because... So I made three new occasions cards. 
Summer holiday packing

Summer holiday packing

Wherever I go I carry my stationery essentials. Summer holiday included! This summer I am taking...
What's for dinner?

What's for dinner?

I have long wanted to create a weekly meal planner - so far I have been using our Weekly Planner. And here it is! I hope you will enjoy it!
My office on the go

My office on the go

What do you always bring with you? This is more or less my office on the go. Leather case from our co-lab with HAM/LERCHE.
What makes me happy

What makes me happy

"This is what you loved doing as a child!" my friend Sophie reminded me the other day. My job! Working with stationery every day! As I continue to develop paper goodies I am also creating an online universe of all the things I love. Writing tools, office accessories, work place beautifiers.
My favorite creative tools - Colors & Crayons

My favorite creative tools - Colors & Crayons

If you’re anything like me you’re always on the lookout for fun creative tools. Let me share a few of my current favorites.
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